Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Have the thoughts of working from home? Here is why?

Terry Tay

In the past, working from home may seem impossible and not realistic. However in our digital world today we are able to work from home. The creation of information technology and the internet has made such thoughts possible. It even makes our work more efficient and convenient.

Are you tired of waking up early in the morning so that you get to work on time? And are you sick of squeezing yourself into a bus or train just to get to your work place? And what about working over-time and only to get “peanuts” pay? I know many of you out there are facing such problems. Maybe it is time for you to think about working from home.

More and more people around the world are quitting their traditional 8-5 job because they decided that working from home is the best choice for them. However it may not be suitable for everyone. Now here is a check list that you should go through before you deciding to work from home.


1. Time Control

Most people that decided to from home work want to have full control over their time. This is one of the best parts about working from home as you get to decide what time to start work and what time to stop work. Moreover you don’t have to wake up 6 in the morning to be able to reach your work place at 8.

2. No long hours traveling

Traveling to work can be a waste of valuable time. On average most people take about an hour, depending on where you stay to get to work. Multiple that by 2 to include your trip back home and that’s 2 good hours.

Imagine what you could have done with those 2 hours. Accompany your wife to the supermarket? Fetch your kids to school? Bath your dog? With 2 hours, you can spend the time keeping your family bonding spirit high. It’s a win-win situation for your family and your career.

3. No more being boss around

I know not everyone likes being boss around, right? When you work at home, there is no one to instruct you on what to do next. It is only you and your work and nothing else. The only instructions you get is from yourself!


1. Able to balance well

When you work from home you need to be able to make good use of the advantages to benefit yourself. If you are unable to priorities your work, eventually you won’t be able to benefit from the advantages of working from home.

Yes! When I say balance it well, I mean know when it is time for family and when it is time for serious work.

2. Lack work commitment

At home, there are many distractions such as video games, your pets or even a live NBA game. Sometimes it is harder to block all that off at home as compare to a traditional office room. So in order to work from home, you really need to focus when comes to work.

3. Stay discipline

It is definitely harder to discipline yourself when there are so many distractions at home. Your bed is few feet away and your phone is just next to you. Sometimes it is equally difficult to work at home and to work at offices.

Time management is very important, priorities your work well, discipline yourself and follow you daily plan and I bet that you can benefit from the advantages of working from home.

If working from home is really what you are looking for, do consider on what I have listed up above. Ultimately it is up to you to work the advantages to benefit yourself. Trust yourself and stay focus!
Provided By: Online Business, Promotion and Marketing

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