Thursday, September 28, 2006

Tax Advantages of Your Home Based Business

Tax Advantages of Your Home Based Business
Copyright Ali Brown

Summary: I started this with the intent this would be a short dissertation on some of the basic tips I have gathered over the years for clients. It has grown into a rather lengthy document. Therefore, in the interest of brevity in my blogs, I will put the links I have for some good small business information for both our Canadian and American partners here. If you’d like to read the document in it’s entirety, please visit my website @

I want you to start thinking about your business as a BUSINESS. Any and all of the expenses that you would incur if your business were located out of your home still apply (you simply pro-rate them with respect to the percentage of your home you are using for your business). When you are calculating these expenses, be sure to include the use of common areas that would be used by your business as well.

You also think about your entertainment and vacation expenses from a business perspective. Our businesses are based on “networking”. If you are networking at your Sunday BBQ, this becomes a business expense. Plan a vacation at the same time and location as your primary’s convention.

A few Canadian references I am sure you will find useful - reference information CCRA Statement of Business Activities CCRA Publication: Business and Professional Income.

These are some equivalent US information I have been able to locate. IRS - Starting a Business and Keeping Records IRS - Business Use of Home publication IRS - Business Use of Home form IRS - Business Use of Home form instructions.

I write this with an obvious Canadian flavour - but my research tells me the principles will stand true for our partners in the United States as well. (For those of us who reside and build our businesses in other countries, I can only suggest this may give you a starting point for research into how each of your countries applies taxation with respect to Small In Home Business)

By the nature of the beast, the Income Tax Laws are open to interpretation, therefore, I cannot stress it strongly enough that you must ensure you are not in contravention of any legislation. In Canada we have tax avoidance law as well as tax evasion law, if you are in doubt of any legitimate expenses you must seek professional assistance. It is irresponsible to not do so. Again, as your business grows you are going to contract out these tasks, your time will be too valuable to be doing clerical work.

About the Author:
Simply knowing what you read in this article isn't enough. You have to put it into action to be successful. To learn how you can do exactly that – and to learn more about how Ali can help you with your online marketing business, you will want to visit her website at the following URL:
Ali Brown is a friend and, I as well as many others look towards her for help, guidance, and support. She is a very patient, knowledgable, and very kind person who is always willing to share her time to help others. If you ask Ali a question, she will find you the answer. Thanks Ali for being you!

I am passionate about turning peoples Dreams Into Reality
Faye Brown

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Have the thoughts of working from home? Here is why?

Terry Tay

In the past, working from home may seem impossible and not realistic. However in our digital world today we are able to work from home. The creation of information technology and the internet has made such thoughts possible. It even makes our work more efficient and convenient.

Are you tired of waking up early in the morning so that you get to work on time? And are you sick of squeezing yourself into a bus or train just to get to your work place? And what about working over-time and only to get “peanuts” pay? I know many of you out there are facing such problems. Maybe it is time for you to think about working from home.

More and more people around the world are quitting their traditional 8-5 job because they decided that working from home is the best choice for them. However it may not be suitable for everyone. Now here is a check list that you should go through before you deciding to work from home.


1. Time Control

Most people that decided to from home work want to have full control over their time. This is one of the best parts about working from home as you get to decide what time to start work and what time to stop work. Moreover you don’t have to wake up 6 in the morning to be able to reach your work place at 8.

2. No long hours traveling

Traveling to work can be a waste of valuable time. On average most people take about an hour, depending on where you stay to get to work. Multiple that by 2 to include your trip back home and that’s 2 good hours.

Imagine what you could have done with those 2 hours. Accompany your wife to the supermarket? Fetch your kids to school? Bath your dog? With 2 hours, you can spend the time keeping your family bonding spirit high. It’s a win-win situation for your family and your career.

3. No more being boss around

I know not everyone likes being boss around, right? When you work at home, there is no one to instruct you on what to do next. It is only you and your work and nothing else. The only instructions you get is from yourself!


1. Able to balance well

When you work from home you need to be able to make good use of the advantages to benefit yourself. If you are unable to priorities your work, eventually you won’t be able to benefit from the advantages of working from home.

Yes! When I say balance it well, I mean know when it is time for family and when it is time for serious work.

2. Lack work commitment

At home, there are many distractions such as video games, your pets or even a live NBA game. Sometimes it is harder to block all that off at home as compare to a traditional office room. So in order to work from home, you really need to focus when comes to work.

3. Stay discipline

It is definitely harder to discipline yourself when there are so many distractions at home. Your bed is few feet away and your phone is just next to you. Sometimes it is equally difficult to work at home and to work at offices.

Time management is very important, priorities your work well, discipline yourself and follow you daily plan and I bet that you can benefit from the advantages of working from home.

If working from home is really what you are looking for, do consider on what I have listed up above. Ultimately it is up to you to work the advantages to benefit yourself. Trust yourself and stay focus!
Provided By: Online Business, Promotion and Marketing

This articles goes through some key points to think about befour starting any home based business venture. You have to consider the advantages and the disadvantages to starting a home based business. Look for a opportunity that will offer you good information on marketing your business if you think you can deal with the disavantages listed above.
For a Complete Business, Marketing Plan and Tools CLICK HERE

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ezine Solo Advertising Can Build Lists Fast

EZine ads can bring you fast, qualified traffic and sign-ins to your website. These are some of the best ones great one stop resource for some of the on the internet.

Your subject line is a very important key to the success of your solo add. It has to be able to grab the attention of your reader. You have to make it compelling enough to get the reader to open the email and be exposed to your opportunity.

Solo ads are by far your best choice but top sponsor adds are cheaper and can create sign-ins.

This is a way to buid your business fast. There are no gaurentees that any solo ad will work. Its a gamble, but the ones that work usally work good.

You should do some researh and find out about the newsletter that the subsribers are recievig. If you like what you see, chances are a trust has been established between the subsribers and the Author. this makes it more likly that some of the viewers will look at your solo add.

You should send the ezine publisher an email and check on response time. If they take to long to answer you back, be causious. ask the publisher who thier target market is and the number of subsribers they have. compare the answer with what they had posted on there website. You also want to verify that the subscrbers are opt-ins.

Here is a list that has been recomended to STAY AWAY FROM!

* Online Marketers Ezine

* Ad Mistress Solo

* OYesUCan Solo

* Internet Marketing Success Ezine

* Building 4 Profit Ezine

* Ezine King Solo

* BMI Internet Marketing Reporter

* The 24 Karat Marketer

* Kick The Email Habit

* Judge The Results

Good Luck and Happy Marketing


Monday, September 18, 2006

Why Go Home Based Over Traditional Business

(c)Copyright Faye Brown

How many times have you... thought about starting your own
Business. Have you ever pictured yourself with a successful

Comparison between home based and traditional business.
Each business has costs involved with starting and
maintaining. Which type of business is right for you?

Home business can have all of the success of traditional
business at a fraction of the cost.

Both types of business have costs involved, the traditional
business tends to have more. For starters, the traditional
has an overhead that really cuts into your profits. You have
rent, lease, or morgage, loan payments furnishing,
equipment, landscaping, utilities and so forth.

Home based cuts down on most of these costs. The main thing
you need is your office equipment, computer, printer fax,
desk, chair and phone. The rest you are already paying.

You have to have an advertising budget for both. How much
depends on the position you are in.

Advertising costs to launch a traditional business could be
huge depending or what your market is. You need to get the
word out that you are open for business.

In home based we still need to advertise and need a budget
for this, but in can be what you can afford. Of course the
more you advertise, the more your business is seen, the
faster you have success.

Licenses can be needed to be in either business. Governments
around the world have guide lines to follow of what licenses
you need to have to be in business.

Licenses are needed in tradition business and you actually
may require many depending on your niche. These are usually
yearly purchases.

Home based may require a business license and maybe a
specialty license depending on what your business is.
In a traditional business, depending what your business
does, could require you to have multiple licenses.
Home based tends to need less, maybe a business license or a
specialty license. These fees are normally yearly.

There is great tax saving benefits to both businesses. Most
government’s give you deductions for many things.

Both business types give you great tax saving methods and
are about the same. Home based you get to deduct a portion
or all of what you already pay for. This could turn out to
be thousands that stays in your pocket and not the

You know that any business needs supplies, but not as much
needed for home based.

Many of the supplies needed in a home-based business are
already in your current budget, or you already own. These
include cleaning supplies, mop, bucket, vacuum, and cleaners.

A traditional business has to invest in these things at the
start. Of course there are other supplies that both types of
business need on a monthly basis. Paper and ink being the
most common for home based.

Time freedom and management is one of the reasons we all
would like to have a business, but what really is the

In a traditional business starting out the owner usually
works very hard and is required to work many hours, to get
the business off the ground. It could be many years before
you could have time off.

In the Home Based industry most people start out part time,
and gradually work into full time when they are having
enough success. Instead of watching 3 hour of TV a night
they turn this time into creating their future. It is easier
to schedule time for special events in your life. Again the
more you do the faster your success.

The best reason to go home business is to create residule
income. This is income that pays you over and over for
doing the work once.

I have and continue to do both types of business. In my
experience both can be, successful, challenging, and self
rewarding. Dollar for dollar you should look at the home
based business industry, find one with a good support team,
marketing system and good products and start your way to
creating your future.

Do you see the benefits to a home-based business?

For a great home business that comes with wonderful
support and full marketing system visit:
3 Step Sercet


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

How To Change Your Mindset

(c)Copyright Faye Brown 2006

One of the most powerful things you have in your life is mindset.
Mindset is basically the way you think and how you react to things in life.
As simple as that may sound, when you utilize the power of mindset
effectively, you will be able to accomplish anything you put your mind to.
Since most people don't realize they need to have a specific mindset,
they often don't realize they need to change their current one. Take a
look at these simple steps you can take to change your mindset.

The first thing you need to consider is trying to always think
positive. When you use positive thinking, you will be more successful than
other people around you. Negative thinking can destroy your health, your
emotional state, and your destiny as a successful person. So, you need
to do what you can to stay positive. You have the power to choose what
will and won't upset you. You can train yourself to forget about bad
situations and go forward to more pleasant ones.

Another thing you can do to change your mindset is realize that you
have the power to change yourself. You can use your way of thinking to
make things happen in your life. You can learn how to become a success
and can do it just by changing the way you approach life. Your mindset
and how you utilize it will determine how you approach life.

Surrounding yourself with people who you admire is a great way to
choose what type of mindset you want. If you have a boss that is always
positive, rarely gets upset, and makes things happen, take note. Utilize
your environment to see what typically works for people and what
doesn't. Overall, you will be able to change your own mindset by being
influenced by positive people.
Earning enough to work at home your dream. For the best home based business
ideas and opportunities visit:

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Tips For Safe and Sound At Home Work

It is very important that anyone with a home based
business start out by setting up an office and
work space that is ergonomically correct, for
safety and comfort’s sake. Here are some tips on how
to have an ergonomically sound home based business.

A home based business computer monitor should be set
at a height that keeps the user’s neck level and
documents viewed while looking straight ahead instead
of moving one’s head up or down. It may require a
shelf or a swivel base to make this happen.

If the computer’s image size is too small because
the pixels aren’t right the home based business
owner or employee could develop eyestrain. Eye
strain can result from too dim a monitor image.
This requires adjustment to contrast or brightness.
Lights from lamps or overhead lighting should never
be directly in anyone’s eye and the monitor should
be at least 16 inches away from the user’s eyes.
It might even be a good idea to set a timer so that
the user will remember to periodically look away
from the screen. Another way to remember to look
away is to place the monitor’s back to an outdoor
view so that the user is looking at the lovely view
and looking away from the monitor periodically.
After all, a home based business should have some
pleasant perks.
A glare screen on the monitor is important too.

A home based business should offer variety, with
regular breaks and varied activities throughout
each day. As much as possible heavy objects should
be slid or rolled rather than lifted.

Perhaps the most important piece of furniture for
a home based business owner is a good chair. The
height and tilt of the chair should offer comfort
and the user should be able to have her or his back
resting against the back of the chair with ease. A
swivel chair is important to keep from twisting the
head or body. Fight should be flat on the floor, and
thighs should be parallel to the floor. A short
person might need a footrest.

If much of the activities of the home based business
center around computer use the hands and the wrists
take the worst beating in most cases. To prevent this,
the work surface should be lowered so that the user’s
hands are below his or her elbows. A keyboard tray
helps to keep the user’s wrist flat.

A very important tip for your wrist is to break the
habit of resting your hand on your mouse when not typing.
These home based ergonomic business tips will help an
entrepreneur work more comfortably for extended periods.

To find a way to increase the size of your business visit:
Pay It Forward 4 Profits

Thursday, September 07, 2006

MLM Marketing Blue's

(c)Copyright Faye Brown 2006
Pay It Forward 4 Profits

Do you have the MLM marketing blue’s? Are you not having success that you were told you would have? Are you getting frustrated with buying leads that never produce? There are solutions!

Most MLM Marketers seldom have enough leads, to create a hugh business. This leaves you to purchase leads, so you can advance your business. We all know about them, if you have been in business for a while. You buy what you can afford, which is cheap leads that have been sold time after time.

Then you spend the next week on the phone, cold calling, with the hope of setting some appointments to show your business. You set a few appointmesnts, you show up, but you are the only one who did. You Do this day in, and day out and my enroll a few people. Without enrolling people all the time, you can not cover the drop-out rate.

Your upline is having success, why aren’t you? Chance’s are they know the power of internet marketing. They just don’t or won’t offer to spend the hours invovled to show you how. Instead they sell you leads, Funding their advertising budget. They are tracking the leads they genetated that converted into sales and they will keep the best ones for themselves.

All these factors above can cause you to get depressed. You soon start second guessing why you started your your MLM program, but you really want to make the money you were told you could make.

Does any of this sound famillar, if so you need to take a look at a Funded Sponsorig Franchiase System. This kind of program shows you ways to generate cashflow to fund your advertising budget. They sould also teach internet marketing, so anyone can can duplicate the system, so all can have success.

To learn more about a complete Funded Sponsoring Franchise Visit:
Pay It Forward 4 Profits