Saturday, September 09, 2006

Tips For Safe and Sound At Home Work

It is very important that anyone with a home based
business start out by setting up an office and
work space that is ergonomically correct, for
safety and comfort’s sake. Here are some tips on how
to have an ergonomically sound home based business.

A home based business computer monitor should be set
at a height that keeps the user’s neck level and
documents viewed while looking straight ahead instead
of moving one’s head up or down. It may require a
shelf or a swivel base to make this happen.

If the computer’s image size is too small because
the pixels aren’t right the home based business
owner or employee could develop eyestrain. Eye
strain can result from too dim a monitor image.
This requires adjustment to contrast or brightness.
Lights from lamps or overhead lighting should never
be directly in anyone’s eye and the monitor should
be at least 16 inches away from the user’s eyes.
It might even be a good idea to set a timer so that
the user will remember to periodically look away
from the screen. Another way to remember to look
away is to place the monitor’s back to an outdoor
view so that the user is looking at the lovely view
and looking away from the monitor periodically.
After all, a home based business should have some
pleasant perks.
A glare screen on the monitor is important too.

A home based business should offer variety, with
regular breaks and varied activities throughout
each day. As much as possible heavy objects should
be slid or rolled rather than lifted.

Perhaps the most important piece of furniture for
a home based business owner is a good chair. The
height and tilt of the chair should offer comfort
and the user should be able to have her or his back
resting against the back of the chair with ease. A
swivel chair is important to keep from twisting the
head or body. Fight should be flat on the floor, and
thighs should be parallel to the floor. A short
person might need a footrest.

If much of the activities of the home based business
center around computer use the hands and the wrists
take the worst beating in most cases. To prevent this,
the work surface should be lowered so that the user’s
hands are below his or her elbows. A keyboard tray
helps to keep the user’s wrist flat.

A very important tip for your wrist is to break the
habit of resting your hand on your mouse when not typing.
These home based ergonomic business tips will help an
entrepreneur work more comfortably for extended periods.

To find a way to increase the size of your business visit:
Pay It Forward 4 Profits

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