Monday, January 01, 2007

Set Your Mind For The New Year

© Faye Brown

The first day of 2007 and is the day to set your New Years resolution. I suggest that you set a personal and a business resolution. Whatever you decide you want to improve in your life weather it is to become wealthy in Internet marketing or to just be a better person, it takes a strong mindset to keep a resolution for longer than 1 day, week or month. You must believe that you are capable of reaching your goals, maybe this can be your News Years resolution to have a better mindset, and then other things in your life will also start to take shape the way you want them to.

What is the proper mindset? It is the ability to believe you are capable of conquering a set task and to truly believe that it will happen and that you deserve it. You will attract what you consistently think about and you must be aware that your thoughts are very powerful. You must take all negativity out of your life. Thinking negative or being around negative people will only cause you to fail. Find a good support team who are willing to encourage you, and if that means stepping outside of your normal support group, then do it. You may find support within your online marketing team.

You must work on your mindset daily with self-talks, reading books about the subject or listening to recorded cd or tapes. There are many free books and downloadable audios on the subject; all you have to do is spend a few minutes looking for the information. Your local library can also be a good source for finding quality information. Your mindset will help you to overcome the times when you are struggling at keeping your resolution.

You must visualize and internalize yourself as being the person you want to become. You must first see yourself as the person that you want others to see. When you do this over and over again it will start to become the reality you are seeking. Weather your resolution is to lose 30 pounds, quit smoking or if it's to be a great Online Marketer, you must see yourself as this person.

Remember the children’s story The Little Engine That Could that never gave up. Become the little engine and get better rewards for your efforts. Everything you want is within your reach, you just have to make it come true.
Faye Brown helps anyone serious about building wealth from home. She offers a 100% generic online marketing system that will teach anyone how to generate targeted traffic for FREE. Get Details And Get Started Today By Simply Clicking Here

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