Sunday, December 31, 2006

Multiple Streams of Income

Amit Rawat

Everybody would love to make lots of money quickly, working from home, and only doing a few hours of work per week. I've spent the past two years trying to find a great way of doing this. Only over the course of the past few months have I found any "get rich quick" programs worth buying. I've been trying to make money online for a long time. I had a few small websites, but they never made much more than a few hundred per month. It was easy money and didn't require much work on my part, but I knew there were people out there doing better than I was and I knew I could do as well as them.

Now, I've seen a lot of "get rich quick" programs. Most of these people make claims about earning $2000/day with Google or something similarly insane. Almost all of these people are complete liars. Even if they were making $2000/day with Google AdSense, it'd be because they had high- traffic websites with a lot of quality content. I'd know, because in one whole month, I never even made half of what they promised I'd make daily with their programs. Maybe you've already been scammed by one of these fraudsters. Anyway, I finally got sick of what was being offered.

I decided I'd look through the all of the "get rich quick" programs I could find and see if there were any that were actually legitimate. I found that there were owners selling their programs for well over $100, but the information in them could be found almost anywhere online for free. Additionally, they all contained out-of-date information, had no e-mail support, no money back guarantees, and broken links in the downloads section.

In conclusion, almost all of the programs I found were completely useless. The owners knew it, but they couldn't care less about their customers since they didn't offer refund policies! Amazingly, while looking through all of the programs, I actually did find a few legitimate programs. They were run by ordinary people like you and me, and they had found some great methods of making money from their home by doing very little work.

I spent some time working with those programs, and my income is now ten times what it used to be. These programs provided a large amount of great information on how to make extra money on your computer doing very little work. Numerous customers had provided great feedback and reviews for their products. Many of them have started to make money just days after buying!

Their programs have excellent prices, and the authors have a group of paid staff who are dedicating to helping you or providing assistance if you need any. I must say I was amazed! If you do decide to purchase any of the programs listed below, I recommend you join quickly. Most of the owners tell me they are getting an overwhelming number of sales and plan on raising prices in the near future, so order while prices are still low!

Amit Rawat
Good Looking Handsom Guy With Graduate
Chotta Ging,Lebong
West Bengal

Provided By: Marketing and Advertising

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Autoresponders and Shopping Cart Integration In Online Marketing

Faye Brown

When people place orders through your website, it
is always a good idea to immediately acknowledge
the purchase. One way to do this is with the use of
an autoresponder that can be integrated with your
shopping cart. In fact, many shopping carts that are
available today have their own autoresponders built
into the system.

When you set up your autoresponder to send a
message to someone that has placed an order,
there are several things that should be included in the
message. This is an opportunity to ‘speak’ to your
customer, and to let them know about other deals
that you have or special items that you have available.
You should not miss this opportunity.

Do not try to get your ‘thank you’ sales message on
the same autoresponder as the customers email
receipt. Putting the sales message on an email that
is automatically sent to grant the customer access
to their purchase is also a bad idea – that would go
better with the receipt. Make sure your ‘thank you’
sales message is a message that is sent out all by
itself, so your customer can focus solely on that!

Thank the customer for their recent purchase. Tell
them how much their purchase will help them, and
then tell them about other available products that
work well with the one that they just purchased, or
that are similar to the one that they just purchased
in some way. For instance hair conditioner works
with hair shampoo. Vacuum cleaner bags or carpet
powder works well with vacuum cleaners. Just let
them know about the various products that you offer
that will compliment their purchase in some way.

The important thing is to not let your customer get
away without further contact! Think about being in a
brick and mortar store. When you go up to the
counter to pay, there are many items there for sale.
These items are meant to be picked up as last
minute purchases, or impulsive purchases. Your
‘thank you’ sales letter serves the same purpose.

Don’t make the mistake of bombarding your
customer! You can usually send them periodic
information about your specials after they have made
a purchase through you, but emailing them on a
daily basis with your offers is not good business!
Use your autoresponder responsibly! Make sure that
your autoresponder is set up to handle automatic
remove requests, and make sure that the information
that you are sending your customers is of value to

Much as we may wish to make a new beginning, some
part of us resists doing so as though we were making
the first step toward disaster.

William Bridges

Faye Brown Is a personal success coach that can show
even a new marketer how to have success.
For a great starter system that will teach you how to
have success in online marketing visit:
A Complete
Beginners System

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Are You Already Marketing On The Internet?

Faye Brown

Take a moment to think about how you would really answer this question. If given enough thought just about any business owner who utilizes the Internet for any purpose will likely find that whether or not they intentionally organized an Internet marketing campaign, they may already be marketing their products and services on the Internet. This article will examine some subtle ways business owners may already be marketing their business on the Internet.

Do you have a website for your business? Business owners who answer yes to this question are already marketing their products or services online just by virtue of the fact that they have a website online. Having a live website means there is the potential for curious Internet users to access your website. You may not be actively promoting your website but you may still find that your website generates interest in your products despite the lack of promotional endeavors; this is a form of passive marketing.

Do you participate in message boards and include a link to your website in your signature? Again business owners who answer yes to this question are already marketing their website online. Savvy business owners realize the importance of participation in industry related message boards to create an interest in their products and services, establish themselves as knowledgeable about the industry and offer a link to their own website even if it is in the signature line of their posts. However, even business owners who do not realize this may already be inadvertently enjoying the benefits of Internet marketing which result from message board participation just by doing something they enjoy and may be doing as a form of leisure activity.

Do you include keywords which are relevant to your business in the content of your website? Business owners who answer yes to this question are also already marketing on the Internet by optimizing their website for these keywords. These search engine optimization (SEO) affects the websites whether or not they were even aware of the concept of keyword density and how it can help to SEO a website. Business owners will likely use certain words often depending on the type of products and services they offer just because it is natural and logical to do so. This tendency, however, can result in search engines boosting your website rankings for these particular keywords. The concept of SEO is much more involved and complex than simply using keywords frequently but business owners can gain some benefit just by naturally applying relevant keywords to their website.

Do you solicit feedback from your customers online? This is yet another example of how business owners may be accidentally marketing their business on the Internet. Most business owners realize the importance of soliciting feedback from customers for business purposes and business owners who offer products online might solicit feedback in the form of online surveys. Although the business owners may be doing this simply for a business purpose the fact that it is done online makes it fall into the category of Internet marketing.

We have already discussed several ways in which business owners may already be marketing online but what about business owners who want to have an increased online presence? Business owners who may already be marketing online accidentally may wish to launch a full scale Internet marketing campaign. The best way to do this is to hire a consultant with experience in Internet marketing to assist you in creating a campaign which is effective for your target audience.

For a complete marketing system visit:

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Are You Scared Of Free Forever


Ever notice on the web that some a small amount of people are making all the money (YouTube, Google, MySpace, eBay, Skype, etc.).

As a users, we usually are not offered anything – well that is changing. I just signed up for AGLOCO and its sole purpose is to give back to its members. They are giving 100% profits in the form of shares to members. Their profits are generated from search and advertising revenue to user-generated content sites.

Go check out AGLOCO to see how it works, but from my point of view I don't change what I do, surf as normal and they work in the background to collect money for me.

One feature I really like is that it is free forever. ALGOCO is rewarding the early people who help build out the network (which is why I am sending I am promoting this. Click on this link to go directly AGLOCO (with my member id#), and I will get credit if you sign up.

My advice: sign up now – invite all your friends and let's make the most of the Internet. Just think if you had shares in google from the start!

Don't you deserve your share to!

Faye Brown

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Gaining The Trust of Your Business Partners Is Important

Gaining The Trust of Your Business Partners Is Important
© Faye Brown

When you start your own business, you might think you can do everything by yourself. After all, you have likely dealt with a boss for too long and want to get away from the influence of others. However, quickly after becoming a business owner you will likely see that you could use a little assistance in some areas. The best way to get this type of assistance is though business partners. You can form great business partnerships with other business owners and gain trust from your business partners.
The most important part of the whole thing is gaining trust from others. You may wonder why trust is so important. However, in the world of business, everything is important. From the biggest sale to the smallest, everything must be done with integrity. If you don t gain trust from your business partners and refuse to operate your business with honor in mind, you will find your business goes out as quickly as it came in.
So, remember that the most important thing you can possibly do is form great relations with partners and keep those relationships strong. You can gain trust from your business partners by following through with your word, showing them that you need them, and showing them how they too can profit from the relationship.

Once you gain trust from your business partners all you have to do is maintain that trust. As long as you conduct yourself with honor and honesty, this should be no problem at all!
Faye Brown is a success coach using the Pay It Forward philosophy. For the best in home based business opportunities or to help you and your downline have success! Visit: Paying It Forward


Saturday, November 18, 2006

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Winning the Traffic Exchange Game
by: Shannon Herod

Copyright 2004 by Shannon Herod

Winning the traffic exchange game can be done. I was just starting out online and had no money so I was looking for a free way to drive traffic to my site. That is when I first found traffic exchanges. I found the concept to be great and signed up for everyone I found and started clicking and clicking and clicking. After countless hours, a blistered clicking finger and a lot of frustration I found the secret to the game.

Traffic Is What They Want

The members clicking for hits at the traffic exchanges are looking for the same thing you are. Traffic to there site. Most are not interested in finding a new opportunity or looking to go shopping they just want traffic. So how do you get their business? The most effective way is by using a lead capture page.

Lead Capture Page

A lead capture page is a simple site that stands out to the surfer. The object is to not sell your product or information but to create curiosity. At the bottom of the page you will need a form so people can request more information from you. By nature we are curious people so people will sign up.

The people that are surfing for hits have 30 seconds on average to review your site it is hard to sell a product in 30 seconds but it is pretty easy to peak someone's curiosity. You can see the page I use in the traffic exchanges at:

Follow Up

O.K. I have a lead capture page but were do I send the people that sign up? An autoresponder. An autoresponder is a program that will automatically follow up with your prospects for you. You can create a number of different messages and have them sent at different intervals to your prospect after they signup through your lead capture page. This is a great tool because it puts your business on auto pilot after you do the initial work to get the lead. The autoresponder I use is GetResponse It is feature-rich and free to set up. You can check it out at:

Now that you have an autoresponder you are going to write detailed instructions on how you product works or a report on how you product can benefit the subscriber and split it into at least 5 emails. Most people will not buy on the first contact so you want to give the subscriber at least 5 exposures. You can see an example of what I use by sending a blank email to: Now set the messages to be sent 3 days apart and watch the sales start coming in.

Capture Leads Not Sales

In conclusion winning the traffic exchange game is fairly simple, don't try to sell your products just create curiosity and capture their name and email. Have a solution to a problem people have and you will get people begging you for more information.
Hint: People at traffic exchanges want more traffic.

About the author:
Shannon Herod is the CEO
Do you want a Flood of Traffic to your site? How about a huge Profit Pulling list of subscribers? Well then Shannon Herod Publishes a newsletter for people like You!
Send an email to: for more info.

Shannon offers a really good tip for us on traffic exchnges. Surfing traffic exchanges is not a waste of time as it helps you get hits to your website. the more hits you have the higher you will rank in the search engines. She certainly does have a point about everyone being there for the same reason, so try capture pages and see if it creates interest. This experiment should be interesting.

For many more valuable marketing tips visit

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Tough Decision To Make? Some Ideas to Help

Greg Balanko-Dickson

Everyday entrepreneurs seek to find a balance between the risks and the rewards. Personally, I have found that it is so easy to fall into the trap of believing my own sheepdip and so anything I can find to help remove my personal bias is a welcome addition. So when I saw that Tony from Success from the Nest had a post over at Lifehack titled Risk versus Rewards I was intrigued.

I am just getting to know Tony and obviously he has been ‘around the block’ in business. For a ‘creative guy’ he seems to have a fair share of analytical skills. You can read his post and get the Risk versus Rewards excel worksheet.

As Tony states “What you end up with is a clear picture, based on your own thoughts about specific factors, of which direction to take.” Therein lies my concern and advice to be cautious in how you interpret the resulting graph.

“As an example, let say you’re trying to decide whether to go skiing this weekend. You’d begin by listing the rewards - such as fun, seeing friends, etc. - along with a weight on a scale from 0-5 on the importance of each reward. Next you’d list the risks - you can’t ski, breaking something, death, etc. - and the weight of each risk. The worksheet uses a simple calculation to determine the outcome, and displays a message along with a simple bar graph of the results.” Via Lifehack

The is nothing wrong with the tool as long as you remember that it simply reflects a picture of the risks versus rewards based on your own thoughts about specific factors - just make sure that you do not start to believe your own stories. Whenever you are making any major decision make sure that you ask yourself quality questions to uncover other factors that you may have missed.

What information are you missing?
What other factors need to be included?
Who do you trust that can review your list and make suggestions and observations on what you may have missed?
Is this a decision that could escalate into a make it or break it situation? If so, you need to look deeper for information and factors you may have overlooked.
Take your time when making major decisions, look for confirmation from various sources, use logic, and tools like Tony’s Risk versus Rewards worksheet.

Greg Balanko-Dickson
The Business Performance Coach

Looking at a variety of internet business is a good idea. Have a book and take notes on the different business you visit. Always go back through them before making a final decision. The second time through, you know more about what to look for.

For the ultimate home based business opportunity, for new comers or seasoned proffesinals visit :

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tips On How To Overcome Isolation While Working At Home

Rose Mary

Although working at home provides much peace and quietness, too much time spending alone can have adverse effects on a persons health. Long hours of working alone without much interaction with people can give rise to isolation. If this problem is allowed to persist, feelings of loneliness can gradually develop. Some people quit working at home because of this problem. In order to maintain a high level of enthusiasm while working at home, isolation must be overcome. Appropriate methods can be implemented to achieve this.

As different people have different levels of needs for social interaction in their life, you need to find out the level of social interaction you need to remain healthy and energetic. You have to decide how much time you want to spend with others. Knowing the amount of social contact you want, you can then develop appropriate ways to achieve it. Below are some suggestions on how isolation can be overcome while working at home.

* Keep in contact with friends by using e-mail, sms and telephone. * Create your own blog and invite parties to discuss common topics of interests. * Create online forum discussion groups. * Listen to the radio program while you work, but turn it on at a very low volume. The radio can keep you company while you work. * Run errands at regular intervals. * Take a few minutes break every hour of working. * Take short walks in the neighborhood sometimes for breaks. * Make lunch dates and catch up with friends over a meal. * Organize get-together parties for friends and family. * Take up a short course to increase your knowledge on your work. You can meet more people as well as learn new insights about your work. * Join a professional group. You will get to know more people and build more social contacts. * Involve in some volunteer work organized by community service groups to help needy people. * Participate in sports activities with people who have the same interest. * Develop a group of people doing the same kind of work as you. Hold regular gatherings to share insights and ideas with one another.

The easiness of creating opportunity for interaction with people depends to a certain extent on the environment you stay. If you are staying in an urban area, you can have the opportunity of interacting with your neighbors staying in the same area. When you come out of your house to run errands, you may meet familiar people and can communicate with them. However, if you are staying in a rural area, you have to travel a long way to meet other people. Due to the long journey, you tend to come out of your house less often to run errands or meet friends. This will lessen your opportunities for daily interaction with other people. Perhaps, in this case you will need to depend more on telephone and electronic means, such as emails, sms and internet forums, for daily contacts.

If you are considering working at home but fear that you might suffer isolation, you should be assured that there are ways to overcome this problem. If you are currently working at home and are experiencing isolation, you can try the above tips to improve your situation. In order to maintain a high level of enthusiasm while working at home, isolation must be overcome. Those working at home can still have an active social life. Working at home can be a fulfilling experience if appropriate methods are used to overcome isolation.

Rose Mary. Freelance Writer on various topics. You can get more information on working at home at Free Affiliate Program.

Rose Mary's article gives us strategies to overcome some challenges that we face when working at home. We must communicate with other peple on a daily basis in order to maintain our sanity.

Faye Brown

For mopre tips on marketing your home based business visit.
Faye's Online Marketing Journal

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Avoiding Home Business Failures

Avoiding Home Business Failures
by: Srinivasan R.G.
It’s been said that 80% of all small business dies within the first 3 years. And the rest are somehow struggling along with meager revenues. Only a handful is successful. Home based business has an even shorter lifespan. Every enthusiastic home based venture starts out with a big promise, a lot of excitement and enthusiasm.

However at the first signs of trouble or a slow take off the people become panicky. Having been accustomed to regular pay check, when the money does not roll in week after week and the bank balance hits the low digits, there is a sense of panic and the exciting home business gets trashed.

My own experience tells me this happens just when you are through with organizing, setting up and the difficult transition period of reaching out to the customers, you decide to wind up the business in favor of a job.

Now here are a few tips to persevere and make a success of your home business.

Plan in advance your finances for running your family for a minimum period of 6 months.

Plan every aspect of your business – right from creating the product to final shipments - on paper. Don’t leave out anything. This is what is called a business plan. Make it elaborate and group each aspect under a heading and subheading.

Home workers need to set a disciplined work schedule. Having no bosses around or compulsions of commuting may make you take things easy and relaxed. At least for the first 6 month work as if you are in employment and put in the required hours. You can relax and cut down on working hours when you start earning enough.

Don’t procrastinate or put things off for tomorrow. Action is one major ingredient for success. If you need to do something do it today. Do it now.

It is essential to keep your motivation high. Read about the success of other small business and home business owners and learn what they did right. Duplicating someone else who has succeeded makes it easy to succeed yourself.

You may suddenly find yourself alone without the social support of colleagues and friends. Even persons you considered your best friends may avoid you if they feel you are in trouble. That is OK. You get to know who’s who in times of adversity. Learn to depend on yourself than outside support.

Be prepared to take the temporary pain and denials. Robert Kiyosaki of ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ fame and his wife slept in their car for a few months and lived in a basement of a friends house for many more months to achieve what they set out - their financial freedom.

Believe in yourself and keep going even if the going gets tough. The rewards far outweigh the pains and temporary sufferings. Remember the darkest hour is just before the dawn breaks out and sun rises.

About the author:
R.G. Srinivasan is a Managerial professional, Writer and Author. He writes a regular blog on home-business resources aailable at http://www.home-businessresources.blogspot.comwith online marketing tips, resources, opportunities and online promotional strategies.

Lots of people quit thier homebased business just when they are on the verge of making money. I also believe that you have to commit as certain period of time to they business and a dollar amount to grow your business.

6 months sould be the shortest lenght of time that you comitt to making your business work.

You also must see that a business is hard to build for free, and to have a monthly budget set aside to promote your business with.
Faye Brown

For information on the very best in Home Business Ideas Visit:
Faye's Home Business Ideas

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Do You Know What Niche Marketing Is

Faye Brown
Do you understand what your niche market is? Do you know
how to target your best prospects?

You often hear people talk about niche marketing, but are you
entirely sure what your niche market is. You have to determine
who is in the greatest NEED of your product or service.

Why would you have to know your niche Market? Well think
about it, you want to get your advertising out to the people that
would benefit and might be interested in your product or service.
If you are selling golf equipment you probably don’t want to
advertise to pet owners looking for dog training items. You
would want to focus your attention on someone who needs a
lighter club or wants the best balls for better accuracy.

What is the age range of your customer or business partners that
you are trying to attract? Is your target audience anyone or is it
geared to a specific age group, mom’s with kids, retired people,
or maybe the baby boomer generation.

You also need to know the demographics of your niche market.
This is determined by what countries or area of you countries that
you are able to do business in. Getting to know more about the
population and income levels of you market will help have you to
better placement of your advertising.

Once you have your niche market understood you could create
advertising that is focused on the your best target market. This
Saves time and money and helps you get the best conversion
rate of your advertising budget.

Do you have more than one niche market? That is entirely possible.
Yes, even if it’s just for one product or service. Multi markets may
be able to benefit from what you offer. To get the most benefit
devote more time or money into your ideal target market and then
follow with the next niche market. Always start with the largest
group first.
For other related Internet marketing information visit:
Faye's Online Marketing Journal

Friday, November 03, 2006

Amazing Secrets Of A Free Traffic Generation MASTER

by: Willie Crawford
Copyright 2004 Willie Crawford

Without traffic to your website, you're not going to make any money in your online business (unless you're able to tap into someone else's traffic).

For many websites... especially new sites, one of the fastest, surest ways to drive traffic to the site is pay per click search engines. The RISK in using pay per clicks is that you don't know how well that traffic is going to convert before you've paid for it. You can adjust your webpages and your pay per click listing fairly quickly, but today I want to share with you two of my MAJOR free traffic generation methods.

The most powerful weapon I've used in my marketing arsenal lately is actually... blogging. A blog is simply an on-line diary or weblog. Since they are usually updated frequently, the search engines love them and visit them often.

The way that I use my blogs is that when I make a post, I include a link to a site or webpage that I want spidered by the search engines. Google actually visits my blogs daily, and takes snapshots of everything there, and follows links from the pages, and takes snapshots of those pages! So, I make minor changes to pages that I want to get ranked higher, and then I "help" Google to find those updated pages. It's a simple, ethical, and very powerful method.

I'm fairly new at blogging, but I'm quickly getting the hang of it. Most of what I know about blogging I learned from a course by my friend Paul Short. The course is called RSS Exposed. I recommend you get a copy of Paul's course today and set aside 2 hours to digest it. Get it at:

Paul is like me... he's very busy, and doesn't have time for fluff. So his course is under 100 pages, and it's all "stuff" that you can read and then immediately implement.

Does this stuff work thought. My friend Stephen Pierce taught me that NOTHING is more powerful than concrete PROOF. So let's look at how I rank for a few keywords that I'm focusing on right now. I'll show you with a few of the more than 100 niches that I have top 10.... often top 3 rankings for. I know that showing you these examples may attract the attention of potential and existing competitors, so I won't show you the most lucrative ones :-)

Readers who know me, know that my real online success started with a simple soul food or southern cookbook! That one cookbook still generates a very nice six-figure income! This season of the year, I know that people are on-line searching for holiday recipes and also gift-giving ideas. My logs show me how my market finds me... keywords and sources. They show that for the cookbook, most find my site through Google, with MSN being a distant second. Here's how I ranked for a few cooking related terms (as of November 21st, 2004):

Soul Food Recipes - #2 out of 1,220,000
Soul Food - #3 out of 8,840,000
Soul Food Cookbook - #2 out of 273,000
Deep Fried Turkey Recipe - #3 out of 257,000
Deep Fried Turkey Recipes - #4 out of 302,000
Sweet Potato Pie - #2 out of 614,000
Sweet Potato Pie Recipe #2 out of 394,000
Fried Chicken Recipe - #2 out of 861,000
Fried Chicken Recipes - #2 out of 1,160,000
Southern Fried Chicken - #2 out of 436,000
Deep Fried Turkey - #14 out of 330,000
Pound Cake Recipe - #2 out of 547,000
Macaroni And Cheese Recipe - #1 out of 207,000
Collard Green Recipe - #4 out of 21,200
Southern Recipes - # 15 out of 4,970,000
... I guess I need to work on that last listing :-)

One of my other markets is "Internet Marketing," and those looking to start or improve upon an online or home-based business. How do I rank there? Here are a few of the thousands of terms that bring me in free search engine traffic (again based upon my website logs):

Internet Marketing 101 - # 1 out of 5,550,000
Internet Marketing Course - #2 out of 10,600,000
Free Internet Marketing Course - #2 out of 11,800,000
Free Internet Marketing Lessons - #2 out of 2,810,000
Homebased Business - #9 out of 1,930,000
Homebased Business Course - #1 out of 522,000
Free Homebased Business Course - #1 out of 483,000

For those of you without your own product, let's see how I do with products I have reprint rights to. One is a web copywriting course by Bob Serling called Power Copywriting For The Internet. When someone is searching for that course they search on very specific terms... but... since their search is so specific, a higher percentage of them will buy when they get to my website. This is a more niche market, but some of my rankings are:

Internet Copywriter + Bob Serling - #1 out of 985
Web Copywriting + Bob Serling - # 7 out of 918
Web Copywriting Course + Bob Serling - #5 out of 16,400
Power Copywriting For The Internet - #2 out of 128,000

Another product that I have reprint rights to is an excellent course on how to increase your website, and advertising, conversion rates. It's called, "Small Changes - Big Profits." Here's my ranking on keywords customers have recently used to find (and buy) this product:

Increase Website Conversion - #6 out of 2,480,000
How to Increase Website Conversion - # 6 our of 2,490,000
Note that when you enter that last phrases, Google tells you that "how to" is a very common phrase and therefore not included in the search. However, notice that Google found an additional 10,000 pages when I gave it that expression. Ok, so I'm confused too :-)

My second most powerful weapon right now is that I write lots of ezine articles... like this one. Since 1998, I would estimate that I've written over 300. Those articles are a very powerful way of getting one-way links to my site. Those articles are a powerful way for people with specific problems or interest to find my sites.

Here's a simple example of how powerful articles can be. I know for a fact that the majority of people in network marketing aren't doing that great. I also know why. The proof that I know what they are doing wrong, and how to correct it, is provided by the fact that I was recently the #2 producing representative in a major network marketing company for 2 consecutive months. The only reason I wasn't #2 longer is that I've only been with the company a little over 4 month, and that in my fourth month, I was the #1 top producing rep in the entire company!

Recognizing what many network marketers are doing wrong... especially those that market over the internet, I wrote an article on the topic. This article targeted those who wanted to know why their network marketing is failing. So if you go to Google and enter...

"Network Marketing Failing" without the quotation marks, you'll see that the returns for webpages featuring my article take up the entire first page. If a person were to type in the statement "My Network Marketing Is Failing" my page ranks #1 out of 312,000. Do people search on these terms? Not as many as search on more competitive terms, but why not go after easier terms... why not go after "the low-hanging fruit."

People do visit my sites after reading the hundreds of articles that I've written, and they do make purchases and join my network marketing team. That's proof that writing and properly using articles is a very powerful traffic generation technique. I have lots of resources on how to properly do this inside my private membership site. If you're not a member, you should join today. Inside the site you'll find lots more solid, usable information like you just gotten in this article.

I've just shared with you two of my most powerful free traffic generation methods. I actually know HUNDREDS but only use a handful. I believe that it's better to get really good at using a few rather than tinkering with (but never mastering) many. You need to do your research and find the techniques that work best for you.

If you'd like a really comprehensive course on website traffic and sales generation methods, I recommend John Reese's Traffic Secrets Course. Check out John's course to learn a ton of ways to outflank your competition at:
It's 14 DVD's, so realize that it will throw a LOT of information at you. Make sure that you pick just a few techniques he covers, and then put them into immediate action rather than letting the sheer volume of information overwhelm you.

As I've demonstrated, being a master at generating free, responsive traffic doesn't have to be complicated or even difficult :-)

About the author:

Willie Crawford is a corporate president, published author, seminar speaker and host, tele-seminar speaker and host, retired military officer, karate black belt, master network marketing trainer, and lifetime student of marketing. He shows people how to actually generate substantial income on-line using very simple, easily modeled systems. An example of such a system that you can study and duplicate is at:

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

by: Judy Thompson
Copyright 2005 Judy Thompson

So you have decided to join a network marketing company with the goal of building a successful home business! How do you know if you have what it takes to succeed? Do you even know what it takes to succeed?

As a long-term owner of a store-front business, and as an experienced network marketer, I would like to make some comparisons of a conventional store-front type of business, to a home-based network marketing business.

If you were planning to purchase a conventional business of some kind, perhaps, an appliance business or a shoe store, you would be asking some specific questions before investing your hard-earned money. You would want to consider the following:
v Does it have stability, or is it a risky new start-up venture?
v How hard will it be to acquire customers for my product or service?
v How long will it take to break even and then make a profit?
v How much time do I have to devote to this business?
v Is there a mentor nearby who will teach me the business?
v Am I willing to stick with this even though there may be a number of obstacles to overcome & not everything goes right all the time?

Your list of questions could go on and on.

Now let’s turn to another scenario. Instead of purchasing a conventional business, you find many “opportunities” on the internet. Network marketing, of course, has the great benefit of enabling you to build a residual income from the comfort of your own home at a much lower start-up cost. However, there is much “hype” on the internet, countless websites really look great, and they make success sound so easy, that it can be deceiving to the average person..

So when the person joins a good company and doesn’t make big bucks in a few weeks, it is easy for him to think that the fault is with the company. Meanwhile, he’s received 14 other great offers that make it sound easier than what he just joined. He quits before even getting started and joins another company. Usually the second opportunity doesn’t work either, and he goes to number three, number four, etc. Generally the new start-up opportunities will not last long, will fail, and may even just disappear. Unfortunately, at this point a person may have spent a lot of time and money just chasing rabbits.

How can this merry-go-round of failures be avoided? Here are 7 common sense MLM business tips that I believe will help you avoid this cycle of failures:
1. Find out how stable the company is. Is it a new start-up venture? If so chances are it will not be around for the long haul. Remember, you only have a future if your company has a future!
2. How much time will you be able to personally devote to this business? With network marketing, not only does it take some time to recruit people into your business, but you also have a responsibility to communicate with and try to help the people who have joined you.
3. Can you believe in the products? If you truly believe in your company’s product line, people will see your enthusiasm and be more likely to join you.
4. Are you willing to make a commitment to just the one company for at least 6 months? Most successful network marketers say you should stick with it and work it hard for at least a year. Very few marketers can do justice to promoting more than one or two network marketing companies at the same time. If you spread yourself too thin, you are less likely to succeed with any of them.
5. Is it the kind of business that you could be happy telling your friends about? For example, even though my primary way of marketing is on the internet, my company has some products that have helped me so much, I just naturally want to share their benefits with my friends.
6. Is there a system in place to help you build your business? Most good companies these days do provide their distributors with workable business tools to help them market their business both locally, and on the internet.
7. If your company provides you with a good website, how will you get people to take a look at your website? Having a support system that actually will bring people to your website for you can be the difference in success or failure for many of us.

If you are a person who wants to build either a part-time or full-time residual income from the comfort of your own home, I hope you will realize that it is better to find a good company and stick with it, than to jump from opportunity to opportunity looking for that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Don’t be an “MLM Junkie!” Work it like a business and you will certainly increase your odds for success!

About the author:

Judy Thompson is a former teacher, business owner, and experienced network marketer. She promotes a nutrition company that has an automated support system. For details, go to:
Judy Thompson article above gives you her verion of 7 steps to look at when starting your business. She gives you valuable information on some of the aspects to look at when starting a business.

The information is good but there are also other thing involved when you are starting up or struggling in a business. There are lots of other things that should be included in this and part is understand the compensation plan and making sure it will take you to where you want to be.

If you would like to hear more on this subject that takes this process farther and to keep you from earning MLM Minimum Wage Visit Mastering Your Primary

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Successful Marketing Online

Faye Brown

When you operate a business online, you likely understand the importance of successful marketing online. Internet marketing success can lead to a great deal of money for you. Whether you have a home based business or a larger business, online marketing is a great idea to raise your level of success in an easy way.

One of the best ways you can choose to market online is through affiliate programs. This is the easiest thing to do, if you have very little time to devote to the issue of online marketing. You can join many affiliate programs for free, which makes the whole thing even more appealing to consider. You can often do a simple search for “affiliate programs” and come up with many different choices. Remember that some of the affiliate programs have strict rules regarding member conduct, so be sure to go over them before committing to join. Often times they will only allow a few ads on each page and such. This can be a problem if you belong to more than one.

The best thing to do is stick with one or two affiliate programs at a time. Give them a real chance to work well and then re-evaluate what you want to do. If you are making money with the affiliate programs you choose, then you should leave your internet marketing plan alone. However, if you aren’t making money, you might want to change it up a bit.
Overall, successful marketing online takes time and dedication. You really will have to tweak and re-arrange in order to find out what works best for you and your online business.

For mome home based business tips go to Growabiz With Faye Brown

Friday, October 27, 2006

Finally, Have Success Using The Pay It Forward 4 Online Marketing System

Faye Brown

Pay It Forward 4 Profits is turning the network marketing
industry upside down, and revolutionizing the way we
normally recruit or sponsor people into our organization,
by using an internet funded sponsoring proposal. We are
creating a new breed of marketers, reproducing like
Rabbits, with this completely duplicatable system.

Most people fail in mlm or online marketing because they
don't have a solid marketing system. Pay It Forward 4
Profits specializes in this key area and we Pay It Forward
to you by giving you a complete Marketing System. Many in
our organization have said that it’s like a college course
for internet marketing.

The Pay It Forward 4 Profits marketing system is comprised
of a funded proposal built into the system. This is in
place so that people can make money upfront before anyone
actually joins your primary program and to help off set some
of the marketing costs.

The funded proposal itself is made up of a variety of
internet affiliate programs. When someone upgrades you will
earn income. This income is then taken to Fund your
Advertising Budget. This creates a bigger advertising budget
which signs in more Pay It Forward 4 Profits members. Now
you can show your primary business to serious business

The purpose of this system is to learn how and
where to advertise to generate your own leads. This creates
affiliates to your Pay It Forward 4 Profits business and as
they upgrade you get paid upfront cash. Then we introduce
our primary business to them, after trust has already been
established. Many will join your primary program without
you having to convince them. You will spend less time
pounding the phones and talking to the wrong people, instead
serious people will be calling you back.

Click here to learn more about Pay It Forward 4 Profits
the Network Marketer’s Wonderland

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Incredible Power Of Free In Internet And Affiliate Marketing!

Kanaga Siva

Free Membership, Free Submission, Free eBooks, Free Websites, Free Downloads, Free Classifieds, Free to Join, yes anything Free has an incredible pulling power in both Internet and Affiliate Marketing.

It is simply amazing how this four letter word FREE can capture the imagination of not only the newbies but also the most seasoned and experienced Internet Marketers and Affiliate Marketers.

The Success of your Internet Marketing or Affiliate Marketing Business depends to a great extent on several inputs such as Determination, Dedication and Motivation among others. In spite of possessing these qualities, financial limitations can be a dampening factor in your endeavor to succeed. So an offer of free tools, free eBooks, free classifieds etc. can be just the thing you have been longing for to boost your confidence and help you succeed in your business.

Even if you are not short of funds to operate your Internet or Affiliate Marketing businesses the offer of free items that could be helpful to develop your Internet business is something no sensible entrepreneur wants to ignore. Why pay for something when you can get it for free!

It is important to note that in spite of the prominent display of the word Free, some items are not always Free and some are quite useless; nevertheless the urge and desire to try them out persists.

Capitalizing on this are many scammers who want to make a quick buck. This is where the newbie has to be watchful and not fall prey to scammers.

Many genuine smart Marketers do take advantage of this inherent weakness of both man and woman and offer free items to promote their businesses.

There are of course several great free webmaster tools that are extremely popular with Internet marketers, Affiliate marketers, Internet home based business entrepreneurs and other online entrepreneurs.

Similarly Free eBooks and Articles written sincerely with the sole purpose of educating the audience are also very popular and sought after by webmasters.

There are websites dealing exclusively with Free items that are very popular in the Internet.

Another Free item extremely popular with low budget business entrepreneurs are Free classifieds.

There are also several very much sought after Free to join affiliate programs that are long standing, safe and secure and global in nature, who provide you with free tools, free web sites and a great support systems.

Thus the Internet abounds with all kinds of free items. Some have hidden charges, Some lead you to scams, Some have both free and paid versions, Some are totally free with no strings attached.

Regular visits to the Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN and Altavista and studying these various free items will help you to weed out the Good from the Bad and the Ugly.

Great people do exist out there in the Internet World who are prepared to share their knowledge and expertise with the rest of the Internet fraternity for Free. Webmasters and Online Entrepreneurs should indeed be grateful to these Individuals and Organizations who are constantly making the Internet experience much easier, cheaper, pleasant and enjoyable for millions of Internet users.

The Incredible Power of the word FREE will without doubt continue to captivate the hearts and minds of the Internet Marketing and Affiliate Marketing world till a a more powerful substitute is discovered.

Copyright © 2006 Kanaga Siva Kanaga Siva has a wealth of experience in Marketing and operating a successful Home Based Business. Visit his Website for Tips, Ideas and Advise to start and operate a Home Based Business.

There is a lot of free stuff on the internet. It's a good way to try out a product to see if the paid version will help you advance your business. Some of the tool you run accross can be very valuable and save time.

Faye Brown

For an awesome free advertising stategy check out Faye's Contact List Builder

Friday, October 20, 2006

Confessions of an Article Marketer

Confessions of an Article Marketer

I have a slight confession to make…

I am highly addicted to article marketing. You can try and
entice me with a number of other internet marketing
strategies, but article marketing will always be my

You probably know about the many benefits of article
marketing. Syndicating your articles will increase your
targeted traffic, turn you into an expert in the field of
your choice, brand your name, and help build your opt-in
list. However, article marketing boasts a number of other
benefits left mostly undiscovered and I want to share them
with you.

Get Your Article and Your Photo Into Google News

Want to get your article and even your picture into Google
News? Well, your entrance stands only a few clicks away.
The key is getting published on a website that is syndicated
on Google News. American Chronicle is one of those web sites.

First, click over to, scroll down
to the very bottom of the page and click on the link that
says “submit work”. From there you can sign up to be a

If accepted as a contributor, you will then be able to submit
articles along with your picture. Most of their articles are
syndicated on Google News and will be available to the millions
of searchers who go to Google News each and every day.

I have been published in Google News multiple times using this
technique and am still amazed at how easy it is.

Using Blogs and RSS to Auto-Syndicate Your Articles

Blogs are a very powerful tool for marketing your online
business. When they first appeared on the scene, blogs were
thought of as nothing more than just a tool for people to
express their rants, feelings, and personal interests.
However, they quickly blossomed into a tool that can be used
for marketing, branding, selling, and promotion.

Good blog software automatically produces an rss feed. With
an rss feed, you can instantly allow people to tune in and
subscribe to your content. In addition, a webmaster could
simply take that link and use it on their own website to
publish your latest article headlines. Each article headline
would contain a link back to your blog to allow people to read
the entire article.

Simply by allowing publishers to feed your content to their
website visitors, you can reach a new audience that otherwise
would never find you.

If you really want to kick this technique into overdrive, you
could even exchange your rss feeds with other webmasters. You
both receive quality content that you can share with your
visitors as well as 5 or so incoming links to your site.

Exclusive Reports and Articles

By writing exclusive reports and articles, you can get
incoming links to your site from VERY high-traffic private
membership sites or even on free content sites that seek
original content rather than rehashed information. The trick
here is that you are offering the webmaster an exclusive
article that will only be published on THEIR site. You will
not be able to publish your article anywhere else or even on
your own site. However, I think you will find it well worth
your while. This method holds the power to get you in front
of some very large, captive audiences.

Using this technique puts a unique twist on your marketing
approach. To make this work you must find highly targeted,
high-traffic sites to write for. If you begin to offer them
exclusive, quality content, they may very well want you to
become a regular contributor to their publication. This
would mean lots of targeted traffic for you. So, don’t take
this advanced tactic for granted.

Turn a Series of Articles into a Podcast

This is one of my favorite methods for recycling my article
content. You simply turn your articles into a podcast. If
you know anything about podcasting, then you know that it’s
big and it’s growing. The last time I checked, podcasts
boasted a listener base of well over 20 million listeners.
You should be getting a piece of this traffic and with the
methods I’m about to teach you, I know that you will.

All you need to do is take 4-5 of your articles that are
related to the same topic and turn them into an audio
recording. Now, we will not be going into the technical a
spects of podcasting, but if you want to get started
quickly, I suggest you head on over to They provide some free podcast
software of great quality.

Once you create your recording, you automatically have your
very own podcast ready to load up to a variety of podcast
directories, including Yahoo, iTunes, Odeo, and
Each one of these directories can create additional traffic
streams to your website. So, what are you waiting for? Get
recording and start receiving some extra web site promotion!

Promote Your Articles on Squidoo

Squidoo is one of the largest growing websites on the
internet. So, why not take advantage. Squidoo developed an
online platform that makes it easy for anyone to build
lenses on topics that they are passionate about. You can even
inject your own style and personality into your lens, making
them a great tool for branding.

So, whenever you write an article, go ahead and post it to
your squidoo lens. Better yet, just post your rss feed onto
your lens. Don’t worry about the technical side, Squidoo
provides plenty of tutorials that explain everything in detail.
So, start creating your own lenses and get some free exposure.

However, if you decide to create a Squidoo lens, make sure that
you create a lens of excellent quality. You don’t want any of
your marketing efforts to send a negative message. Just like
your articles, your squidoo lens must provide your readers with
quality information.

Provide Your Articles to Your Affiliates

If you want to boost your affiliate program, you must provide
your affiliates with all the right tools. Make it extremely
simple for them to promote your website and they are much more
likely to do so.

Articles are one of the best resources you can provide them.
Encourage your affiliates to post your articles on their website
or in their ezine. You do this by sending them the article
preformatted, with their affiliate link already inserted in
the resource box. Their only job is to copy, paste, and promote.

You now know some advanced article marketing strategies that will
help take your promotional efforts to the next level. I urge you
to take action on these powerful, yet simple, ideas.

There is nothing more motivating than seeing the results of our
marketing efforts, and with article marketing, they can be quite

Kim Roach, the Hip Marketing Gal, has many more free traffic tips
to unveil. To Learn Exactly how to attract tons of targeted,
qualified web site traffic to your site, visit

When I came accross this article that contains a lot of great ways
to help you with your artical marketing I just had to post it.
Anything we can do to get listed with the major search engines is
always worth doing.

For more tips to help your dreams visit

Growabiz With Faye Brown

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Making Money Online IS Possible... Here's HOW

Are you trying to make money online but just can't seem to get
the income you want? There are thousands upon thousands of
aspiring online business entrepreneurs who are in the same
boat as you right now. You are not alone! However, in this
article, I am going to give you some tips on how to actually
make money online and eventually bring in a very nice income.

Before we get started let's talk a little about who I
am and why it's even worth your time to listen to me. Am I
rich? No. My bank account would be laughable compared to Bill
Gates or Donald Trump, but compared to the average person
trying to make money online from a home business you could say
I am doing quite well.

I started my online business
about three and a half years ago and slowly but surely
increased my income to the point of financial independence. I
now make a very good full time income online and only work a
few hours per week. It wasn't easy... far from it! But it was
worth it. I don't consider myself to be some money making
guru. But I have been making money online, and teaching people
to do the same, long enough to know what I am talking about.

So how can you make a living from home? Here are the
steps necessary to make money online and eventually bring in
a very good income...

1) Define Your "Why" - Really the
first, and most important, step to becoming rich is not "how"
to do it but "why" to do it. Without your why, your how will
be nearly impossible. Once you have found your why, it is much
easier to find your how to become rich. You must look deep
inside yourself to find out why you want to become rich. Once
you have found it write it down and keep it in a place where
you will see it everyday. After you find your why you can
search for your how. Remember, there is no easy road to riches.
If there was then everyone would be rich.

Write Your Plan - When you are getting started you will need a
plan. What exactly do you want to accomplish? How long will it
take to do it? What steps do you need to take to ensure it
happens? How many hours are you going to put in each day? How
much money can you afford to spend on marketing? Etc... Think
about these questions and write down the answers. Make your
plan realistic and stick with it as closely as possible. It can
be modified along the way as things change but you should
always have a realistic plan to follow.

3) Find Your
"How" - Now it's time to start searching for how you will make
money online. There are many different ways to make money
online. A few of the most popular ones are: business
opportunities, affiliate marketing, network marketing, niche
marketing, creating your own e-book, or doing an actual online
job. Most of these actually go hand-in-hand so you will usually
be doing more than one at a time. They are usually lumped under
one umbrella called internet marketing.

My suggestion is
to start out with an actual paying online job as well as at
least one of the others. Doing this will allow you to bring in
an online income while getting started in something that you
will eventually make a lot more money doing. For instance, you
could work a couple hours per day in an online job while
spending the rest of your spare time learning how to market
affiliate programs.

I actually know of a great program
where that is exactly what you do. You make money working
online jobs while also getting into affiliate marketing and a
business opportunity and learning to market on the internet.
You can find it here:

Get Educated - Walking blindly into an online business without
having some basic education is suicide! You need to know the
basics of online marketing and promoting. You can get this
education for free all over the place on the internet. A great
place to start is internet marketing forums and articles.

You also need to know programs to definitely stay away from
before you make the mistake of jumping into some overhyped
dishonest opportunity or even an all out scam. A good way to
be sure you don't get sucked into one of these is to stay away
from anything that promises ridiculously large amounts of money
in a short period of time. Or any opportunity that says you will
make a lot of money without doing any, or very little, work.
It's just not true!

To help you out a little here are a few things I can tell you
right now to avoid - paid to read emails, randomizers, doublers,
paid to surf, HYIP, the oprah paypal letter, etc... of course
there are more things to stay away from but I can't go into
detail in this article due to length. I will tell you that the
Honest Income Program mentioned above gives you a lot more
programs to avoid and tells why you should avoid them.

Get Started - Now it's time for you to get started making money
in your new business. It is critical in this step to be focused.
Don't go jumping around to every opportunity you see just
because it promises riches. Stick with what you started and put
your full effort into it. It is also critical that you do not
expect too much too fast. It is going to take time to start
making money online and it is going to take even longer to start
making a significant amount of income.

While you are
getting started you will be learning a LOT. In fact, you will
probably feel like you are on information overload and feel
overwhelmed by everything there is to learn. Don't worry it
will all come together. Just take things one step at a time in
an organized manner. The learning is something that never stops.
You will constantly be learning new things in online business
but the beginning is probably the most crucial and the toughest.

The most important part of this step is to TAKE ACTION!
Yes, there is a lot to learn and a lot to do but the only way to
get anywhere is to do something with it. Making money online is
largely about taking action. The more you sit back and wait for
the "right time" the less you are actually out there making money.

Work Hard and NEVER Quit - This is probably the best advice
that was ever given to me and I consider it the most important
tip I can pass on to anyone trying to make money online. No matter
what anyone tells you making money online is hard work. You have
to put in a lot of time and effort before you reap the rewards of
it. You will fail at times, that is certain! However, you will
also succeed if you get up from those failures and keep going!

That's it. Those are the six basic steps to making money online
and eventually bringing in a great full-time income. Of course,
this article is a simplified version of what it truly takes.
There is more detail to making money online that cannot be
fully explained in one article but the above is basically all
you need to do. It will not be easy but it can certainly be
done. There are thousands upon thousands of people making money
online right now. Many of them are very rich because of it.
Follow the above steps and you can be making a full time income
on the internet soon enough.

Trent Brownrigg has been successfully making money online for
over three years. He is a full time internet marketer and online
business coach. He recommends - - to anyone
looking to make money at home. You can find his main

home based business
website at href="" target=_top>
Provided By: Online Business, Promotion
and Marketing

In Trents artical it shows us that there is a progress to
earning money on the internet. Many People come online to
earn a fast dollar but home business have a learning
curve. You cannot start a business and expect it to be
successful overnight.

Starting part time and learning along the way will enable
you to be successful in time.

I am motivated tohelp you become successsful if you
really want to become successful.
I'll Pay It


Thursday, October 12, 2006

The Secret of Starting a Home-Based Business

Taweewat Puvorawong

Are you looking for a Home-Based Business?

The number of home-based business opportunities is rapidly growing. In fact, over 50% of small business owners are now working from home. Anyone with a desire or urge to start a home-based business can venture into this field, just by using the Internet. All you need to get started is a computer and an internet connection. Many things can be progressed with just a click of your mouse. The beauty of an Internet home-based business is that anyone can do it no matter what their age, sex, race or religion is.

Unfortunately, nowadays, there is a lot of Home-Based business hype and many "Get Rich Quick" schemes posted on the internet. There are many people who will try to lure you into programs which may ultimately result in you throwing your money away for being a member. You should always take precautions, and ponder each opportunity very carefully, so you dont fall into this trap.

However, there are still many legitimate home business opportunities that can start you on your way to both financial freedom and independence. Just ensure that you research each opportunity thoroughly and choose one that fits your own particular style or talents. An opportunity that is a good choice for one person may be a very poor fit for someone else. The common thread that applies to everyone is that you must be "for real" and the business opportunity itself must be "for real. You need to be realistic in your expectations. It might take a year or even up to three years before you begin to make a significant profit from your business. Dont expect miraculous wealth that will take you up to the sky instantly! In addition, people who want to start a home-based business, but dont want to spend any time on it (set-and-forget) until after they start earning some money being unrealistic and are likely to fail. So make sure that you have practical expectations when starting a home-based business.

There are a wide range of business opportunities to look for, including Internet businesses, retail sales, import/export, and even stuffing envelopes. Some are legitimate businesses, and some are not. Make sure you know everything about the company and get adequate important information so you understand completely any risks you may be taking, how long before you can reasonably earn serious money, and what amount of work or effort is required to make that done as to your goal.

There are numerous reasons why people choose to start a home-based business. They may be dissatisfied with their present employment situation, unemployed, need to be at home more with young children or aging parents or they may just have a yearning to be their own boss.

It is a good idea to write a business plan as it may be your roadmap to reaching your objectives. There are numerous articles on the Internet that can assist you in creating your business plan as well as pointing to other issues related to starting and operating home-based business.

Finally, it is very crucial that whatever you decide to do, you will need to stick with it for a reasonable length of time (give it at least one year) and put in a solid and sustained effort. In the early stage, it is really important to resist the temptation of additional business opportunities out there which are always knocking on your door and waiting for you to open it. Stay focused on a single business and dont get discouraged. As much as you would like it to be, starting and developing a real home based business is certainly not an instant gratification situation.

Always be precautious, and contemplate each home-based business opportunity wisely before getting started. This will certainly make a difference to becoming a successful Internet home-based business entrepreneur.

Taweewat Puvorawong is the owner of Home Business Tips and Website Marketing Secrets. If youve ever dreamed of having your own Internet Business that produces Multiple Streams of Income each and every month, Click here to discover the system I use to earn multiple streams of income on the Internet.


Taweewat has made some wonderful comments in the above article. You should do your homework before jumping into the online world. While some of the business on the internet are not legitimate, the majority are, but that dose not mean you are going to make money. Look for a business with a full marketing system, that they are willing to share for free. Make sure they have the knowledge to get you to where you want to end up.

Always willing to Pay It Forward

Monday, October 09, 2006

Can Your Home Business Take You To a Six Fiqure Income

Free Home Business Evaluation System

There is a program that will help you evaluate any home business and see if it can actaully deliver it's claims for the average person. We are always told that ordinary people can make it in the home business world, so why do 98 % of people fail.

This program will take you through the 7 critical steps to ensure that you are not wasting your time and money, and that are setup for success, not failure.

Do You Know for sure if your business is worth your time and money. Below is a brief outline of what is covered in our FREE program.

1. Unique Products: Products must serve multiple different Market Categories, Products must be unique enough to get Patents, and the Products have to serve the Masses.

2. Company Stability: The ability to give you long-term business and financial security, based on their company and business history.

3. Marketing System: System to market Primary must follow with the Marketing Techniques and used taught in Pay-It Forward 4 Profits, and must be Simple and Duplicatable.

4. Company Management: Must be led by already Successful Leaders in Business with a Vision for the Future Growth

5. Global Reach: Must be groundfloor in their Global Expansion.

6. Compensation & Incentives: Maximize your income based on your efforts. Must payout at least 50% of Sales, must offer Unlimited Depth within compensation plan, must offer Fast Start Bonuses, must offer other Rewards and Recognition, you must be able to achieve $10,000/month true residual with less than 500 people in the organization.

7. Pay-It Forward: Does the company Pay-It Forward to the Masses. They must give back globally what they are taking out. The company's vision is to make an Impact on the World in a Positive Way.

This program show you step by step how to judge the outcome of your business success, even before you start, for FREE!

If you are new to the home business world, or if you have a business, wouldn't it be nice to know that your company, can deliver on what you have been told.
For a Free evaluation of a home business
Click Here

6 Reasons To Go Home Based Over Traditional Business.

6 Reasons To Go Home Based Over Traditional Business.

(c)Copyright 2006 by Faye Brown

How many times have you thought about starting your own business? Have you ever pictured yourself with a successful business?

Comparison between home based and traditional business. Each business has costs involved with starting and maintaining. Which type of business is right for you?

1) Home business can have all of the success of traditional business at a fraction of the cost.

Both types of business have costs involved, the traditional business tends to have more. For starters, the traditional has an overhead that really cuts into your profits. You have rent, lease, or mortgage, loan payments furnishing,
equipment, landscaping, utilities and so forth.

Home based cuts down on most of these costs. The main thing you need is your office equipment, computer, printer fax, desk, chair and phone. the rest you are already paying.

2) You have to have an advertising budget for both. How much depend on the position you are in.

Advertising costs to launch a traditional business could be huge depending or what your market is. You need to get the word out that you are open for business.
In home based we still need to advertise and need a budget for this, but in can be what you can afford. Of course the more you advertise, the more your business is seen, the faster you have success.

3) Licenses can be needed to be in either business. Governments around the world have guidelines to follow of what licenses you need to have to be in business.

In a traditional business, depending what your business does could require you to have multiple licenses.
Home based tends to need less, maybe a business license or a specialty license. These fees are normally yearly.

4) There is great tax saving benefits to both businesses. Most government’s give you deductions for many things.

Both business types give you great tax saving methods and are about the same. Home based you get to deduct a portion or all of what you already pay for. This could turn out to be thousands that stays in your pocket and not the governments.

5) You know that any business needs supplies, but not as much needed for home based.

Many of the supplies needed in a home-based business are already in your current budget, or you already own. These include cleaning supplies, mop, bucket, vacuum, cleaners ect.
A traditional business has to invest in these things at the start. Of course there are other supplies that both types of business need on a monthly basis. Paper and ink being the most common for home based.

6) Time freedom and management is one of the reasons we all would like to have a business, but what really is the reality?

In a traditional business starting out the owner usually works very hard and is required to work many hours, to get the business off the ground. It could be many years before you could have time off.
In the Home Based industry most people start out part time, and gradually work into full time when they are having enough success. Instead of watching 3 hour of TV a night they turn this time into creating their future. It is easier to schedule time for
Special events in your life. Again the more you do the faster your success.

I have and continue to do both types of business. In my experience both can be, successful, challenging, and self-rewarding. Dollar for dollar you should look at the home based business industry, find one with a good support team, marketing system and good products and start your way to creating your future.

Do you see the benefits to a home-based business?

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities to work at home visit:3 Step Secret

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Legal Problems The Newbie Should Know About

I would like to Thank Wycliffe Williams for writing such an informative article.
Faye Brown

Legal Problems The Newbie Should Know About
Wycliffe Williams

Legal problems can easily sink your internet business before you even begin to swim. Legal requirements abound in the internet arena. It’s your responsibility to get yourself up to speed on these requirements. Ignorance of the law is not acceptable.

Links to your Contact Information and All About Us Information should be on all of your webpages. Your main legal information is your Copyright, Terms of Service, Disclaimer, and Privacy Policy and they should be included as well.


Make sure the word copyright and the copyright symbol are at the bottom of your webpages. If you are selling anything, include the words All Rights Reserved. If your product is available worldwide, include that term also.

Terms Of Service

An age statement is strongly advised. In the US, the minimum age is 13 years old, 18 in most other countries. To safeguard yourself, use 18 years old as the required age for your site. Also include the terms for using your site.

Cyberspace has its boundaries. There are rules and regulations that govern advertising. They are called the Dot Com Disclosures. They can be found here:


The internet is riddled with viruses, spyware, Trojan horses, and all those other attackers of your computer. Tell visitors to take precautions. Are you giving advice?

Always let your visitors know they should see a relevant professional before using your advice. Also, due to the fast changing nature of the internet, information goes out of date. You cannot be held liable for that, so let your visitors know.

If you sell a product your visitors expect to help them make money, never say the amount they should make. Your legal problems will multiply if you do. You really don’t know.

So many variables go into others being as successful as you. The visitor may not have the internet savvy that you have, or the motivation. You can’t guarantee results. Here is where you state all of that information.

Privacy Policy

Should you capture a visitor’s private information, include your policy for doing so. Tell your visitor what you intend to do with the information. If you intend to share the captured information, you must say so.

I’ll just add this about spamming. This is a small area in the Can Spam Act that receives much abuse. It states, “The Act also prohibits false or misleading subject headings in commercial email messages.”

Don’t send any grand promises of fame and fortune in your email subject line. This is generally done to encourage people to open your email.

Build a great relationship with your list. There’s no need for grandstanding. When the people who know you see your name they will open your email. You can take that to the bank! Find spam info here:

I can’t guarantee that you will not have legal problems during your internet journey. But if you include these items in your website, you would have done much to reduce your risk.

Wycliffe Williams

Legal problems for the newbie usually sound the death knell early. Arm yourselves with the relevant information. Wycliffe Williams has armed himself and thought you also might like to do the same. If this article has been helpful to you, grab a website like this to get you started:


This is a subject that many of us are not informed about, until it is to late. As long as you put into practice the advice given abouve you should never have a problem. Thanks to Mr williams for writing such an informative article.

For a great way to take Control of your Business, and learn the serets of Internet Marketing Visit My Site

Monday, October 02, 2006

Are You Doors Opened Or Closed?

Faye Brown

When I read the following Quote today I said to myelf "so true". It fits all aspects of life, from your family life to you home business success.

The truth is that every time a door closes behind us, the rest of the world opens up in front of us. All we need to do is stop pounding on the door that is now closed, turn around, and see the largeness of life that now lies open to our soul.

Parker J. Palm

It just does not matter what is behind you. Your life before today, has been a learning experience. Stop looking at past, because it closes your eyes to the future.

You'll never know what good things are staring you right in you face. Everyday new doors open, Are you shutting them or are your arms open wide ready for the journey?

I am motivated to help you become successful, If you really want to become successful. I'll Pay It Forward

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Tax Advantages of Your Home Based Business

Tax Advantages of Your Home Based Business
Copyright Ali Brown

Summary: I started this with the intent this would be a short dissertation on some of the basic tips I have gathered over the years for clients. It has grown into a rather lengthy document. Therefore, in the interest of brevity in my blogs, I will put the links I have for some good small business information for both our Canadian and American partners here. If you’d like to read the document in it’s entirety, please visit my website @

I want you to start thinking about your business as a BUSINESS. Any and all of the expenses that you would incur if your business were located out of your home still apply (you simply pro-rate them with respect to the percentage of your home you are using for your business). When you are calculating these expenses, be sure to include the use of common areas that would be used by your business as well.

You also think about your entertainment and vacation expenses from a business perspective. Our businesses are based on “networking”. If you are networking at your Sunday BBQ, this becomes a business expense. Plan a vacation at the same time and location as your primary’s convention.

A few Canadian references I am sure you will find useful - reference information CCRA Statement of Business Activities CCRA Publication: Business and Professional Income.

These are some equivalent US information I have been able to locate. IRS - Starting a Business and Keeping Records IRS - Business Use of Home publication IRS - Business Use of Home form IRS - Business Use of Home form instructions.

I write this with an obvious Canadian flavour - but my research tells me the principles will stand true for our partners in the United States as well. (For those of us who reside and build our businesses in other countries, I can only suggest this may give you a starting point for research into how each of your countries applies taxation with respect to Small In Home Business)

By the nature of the beast, the Income Tax Laws are open to interpretation, therefore, I cannot stress it strongly enough that you must ensure you are not in contravention of any legislation. In Canada we have tax avoidance law as well as tax evasion law, if you are in doubt of any legitimate expenses you must seek professional assistance. It is irresponsible to not do so. Again, as your business grows you are going to contract out these tasks, your time will be too valuable to be doing clerical work.

About the Author:
Simply knowing what you read in this article isn't enough. You have to put it into action to be successful. To learn how you can do exactly that – and to learn more about how Ali can help you with your online marketing business, you will want to visit her website at the following URL:
Ali Brown is a friend and, I as well as many others look towards her for help, guidance, and support. She is a very patient, knowledgable, and very kind person who is always willing to share her time to help others. If you ask Ali a question, she will find you the answer. Thanks Ali for being you!

I am passionate about turning peoples Dreams Into Reality
Faye Brown

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Have the thoughts of working from home? Here is why?

Terry Tay

In the past, working from home may seem impossible and not realistic. However in our digital world today we are able to work from home. The creation of information technology and the internet has made such thoughts possible. It even makes our work more efficient and convenient.

Are you tired of waking up early in the morning so that you get to work on time? And are you sick of squeezing yourself into a bus or train just to get to your work place? And what about working over-time and only to get “peanuts” pay? I know many of you out there are facing such problems. Maybe it is time for you to think about working from home.

More and more people around the world are quitting their traditional 8-5 job because they decided that working from home is the best choice for them. However it may not be suitable for everyone. Now here is a check list that you should go through before you deciding to work from home.


1. Time Control

Most people that decided to from home work want to have full control over their time. This is one of the best parts about working from home as you get to decide what time to start work and what time to stop work. Moreover you don’t have to wake up 6 in the morning to be able to reach your work place at 8.

2. No long hours traveling

Traveling to work can be a waste of valuable time. On average most people take about an hour, depending on where you stay to get to work. Multiple that by 2 to include your trip back home and that’s 2 good hours.

Imagine what you could have done with those 2 hours. Accompany your wife to the supermarket? Fetch your kids to school? Bath your dog? With 2 hours, you can spend the time keeping your family bonding spirit high. It’s a win-win situation for your family and your career.

3. No more being boss around

I know not everyone likes being boss around, right? When you work at home, there is no one to instruct you on what to do next. It is only you and your work and nothing else. The only instructions you get is from yourself!


1. Able to balance well

When you work from home you need to be able to make good use of the advantages to benefit yourself. If you are unable to priorities your work, eventually you won’t be able to benefit from the advantages of working from home.

Yes! When I say balance it well, I mean know when it is time for family and when it is time for serious work.

2. Lack work commitment

At home, there are many distractions such as video games, your pets or even a live NBA game. Sometimes it is harder to block all that off at home as compare to a traditional office room. So in order to work from home, you really need to focus when comes to work.

3. Stay discipline

It is definitely harder to discipline yourself when there are so many distractions at home. Your bed is few feet away and your phone is just next to you. Sometimes it is equally difficult to work at home and to work at offices.

Time management is very important, priorities your work well, discipline yourself and follow you daily plan and I bet that you can benefit from the advantages of working from home.

If working from home is really what you are looking for, do consider on what I have listed up above. Ultimately it is up to you to work the advantages to benefit yourself. Trust yourself and stay focus!
Provided By: Online Business, Promotion and Marketing

This articles goes through some key points to think about befour starting any home based business venture. You have to consider the advantages and the disadvantages to starting a home based business. Look for a opportunity that will offer you good information on marketing your business if you think you can deal with the disavantages listed above.
For a Complete Business, Marketing Plan and Tools CLICK HERE

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ezine Solo Advertising Can Build Lists Fast

EZine ads can bring you fast, qualified traffic and sign-ins to your website. These are some of the best ones great one stop resource for some of the on the internet.

Your subject line is a very important key to the success of your solo add. It has to be able to grab the attention of your reader. You have to make it compelling enough to get the reader to open the email and be exposed to your opportunity.

Solo ads are by far your best choice but top sponsor adds are cheaper and can create sign-ins.

This is a way to buid your business fast. There are no gaurentees that any solo ad will work. Its a gamble, but the ones that work usally work good.

You should do some researh and find out about the newsletter that the subsribers are recievig. If you like what you see, chances are a trust has been established between the subsribers and the Author. this makes it more likly that some of the viewers will look at your solo add.

You should send the ezine publisher an email and check on response time. If they take to long to answer you back, be causious. ask the publisher who thier target market is and the number of subsribers they have. compare the answer with what they had posted on there website. You also want to verify that the subscrbers are opt-ins.

Here is a list that has been recomended to STAY AWAY FROM!

* Online Marketers Ezine

* Ad Mistress Solo

* OYesUCan Solo

* Internet Marketing Success Ezine

* Building 4 Profit Ezine

* Ezine King Solo

* BMI Internet Marketing Reporter

* The 24 Karat Marketer

* Kick The Email Habit

* Judge The Results

Good Luck and Happy Marketing


Monday, September 18, 2006

Why Go Home Based Over Traditional Business

(c)Copyright Faye Brown

How many times have you... thought about starting your own
Business. Have you ever pictured yourself with a successful

Comparison between home based and traditional business.
Each business has costs involved with starting and
maintaining. Which type of business is right for you?

Home business can have all of the success of traditional
business at a fraction of the cost.

Both types of business have costs involved, the traditional
business tends to have more. For starters, the traditional
has an overhead that really cuts into your profits. You have
rent, lease, or morgage, loan payments furnishing,
equipment, landscaping, utilities and so forth.

Home based cuts down on most of these costs. The main thing
you need is your office equipment, computer, printer fax,
desk, chair and phone. The rest you are already paying.

You have to have an advertising budget for both. How much
depends on the position you are in.

Advertising costs to launch a traditional business could be
huge depending or what your market is. You need to get the
word out that you are open for business.

In home based we still need to advertise and need a budget
for this, but in can be what you can afford. Of course the
more you advertise, the more your business is seen, the
faster you have success.

Licenses can be needed to be in either business. Governments
around the world have guide lines to follow of what licenses
you need to have to be in business.

Licenses are needed in tradition business and you actually
may require many depending on your niche. These are usually
yearly purchases.

Home based may require a business license and maybe a
specialty license depending on what your business is.
In a traditional business, depending what your business
does, could require you to have multiple licenses.
Home based tends to need less, maybe a business license or a
specialty license. These fees are normally yearly.

There is great tax saving benefits to both businesses. Most
government’s give you deductions for many things.

Both business types give you great tax saving methods and
are about the same. Home based you get to deduct a portion
or all of what you already pay for. This could turn out to
be thousands that stays in your pocket and not the

You know that any business needs supplies, but not as much
needed for home based.

Many of the supplies needed in a home-based business are
already in your current budget, or you already own. These
include cleaning supplies, mop, bucket, vacuum, and cleaners.

A traditional business has to invest in these things at the
start. Of course there are other supplies that both types of
business need on a monthly basis. Paper and ink being the
most common for home based.

Time freedom and management is one of the reasons we all
would like to have a business, but what really is the

In a traditional business starting out the owner usually
works very hard and is required to work many hours, to get
the business off the ground. It could be many years before
you could have time off.

In the Home Based industry most people start out part time,
and gradually work into full time when they are having
enough success. Instead of watching 3 hour of TV a night
they turn this time into creating their future. It is easier
to schedule time for special events in your life. Again the
more you do the faster your success.

The best reason to go home business is to create residule
income. This is income that pays you over and over for
doing the work once.

I have and continue to do both types of business. In my
experience both can be, successful, challenging, and self
rewarding. Dollar for dollar you should look at the home
based business industry, find one with a good support team,
marketing system and good products and start your way to
creating your future.

Do you see the benefits to a home-based business?

For a great home business that comes with wonderful
support and full marketing system visit:
3 Step Sercet
